
Peri-operative Cardiac Assessment

Patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery may be at risk for cardiac morbidity and mortality, not only intraoperatively but also during their post-operative and recovery period.

Who needs pre-operative cardiac assessment?

The majority of non-cardiac surgical procedures are performed in patients of over the age of 50 years. These patients have an increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease, especially ischaemic heart disease, which is an important cause of perioperative morbidity and mortality associated with non-cardiac surgery

Asymptomatic elderly individuals and patients with known cardiovascular disease may be at higher risk and in general benefit most from pre-operative cardiac assessment.

What tests/investigations and treatments are required?

We are able to identify clinical predictors, assess functional status and where required, recommend further testing

The need for investigations and treatments will be depend on your individual medical circumstances. Non-invasive assessment of blood pressure control, heart muscle function with an ultrasound (echocardiogram) and invasive tests like coronary angiography may be required in the minority of individuals.