
Exercise Stress Test

An Exercise Stress Test (EST) is used as a means of assessing how well your heart and blood vessels respond to physical exertion. An ECG is recorded at rest, and then whilst walking on a treadmill, or pedalling on an exercise bike. Throughout the test, your ECG profile, heart rate, blood pressure and symptoms will be monitored.

The test takes up to 30 minutes to complete and may be modified by your doctor depending on your symptoms and physical ability.

Why has your doctor ordered an Exercise Stress Test?

Your doctor may order an EST to:

  1. Determine whether it is likely that you have heart disease when you have suspicious symptoms
  2. To estimate the likelihood of coronary artery disease in asymptomatic people with a high risk factor profile for ischaemic heart disease
  3. To measure exercise capacity in people with known coronary artery disease
  4. To assess the exercise capacity, response to medications and progression of the disease in people with other cardiac abnormalities, such heart valve disease and heart rhythm abnormalities
  5. Routine health screening or assessment.